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This is to You, if you are struggling with Retirement

From J-D Roth, self-proclaimed Expert in Reprogramming Lives

Do you want to make your retirement a landscape for freedom, happiness and fulfillment of the dreams you had when your were younger? (You couldn't, then, because you were lacking time, giving yours to the employment landscape you were trapped in by the necessity to survive),
... but as of now on a fresh retirement, are you struggling because :

- You don't know what you don't know
- You don't know what you really want
- You know what you really want, but don't know how to get there?
- You were used to take the orders rather than give them
- You find it difficult to escape the law of the least effort
- You lack a vision, or clarity, about what you would like to implement, so to be in accordance with your values and your "meaning of life"?
- You don't see how much empowering life is, because, in survival mode, it is not easy to become really conscious about that...
- You hadn't time to make your dreams come true, reality being what it was...
- You don't know how to get beyond wishful thinking.


Does it feel easier to just watch TV, even though you secretely know deep inside that there is something that you wanted to bring to the world? A special contribution of yours?

Or perhaps you’ve been stymied by your wife, or you don’t know where to start?

If so, I understand . . .

My name is Jean-David Roth.

I am the Swiss Army Knife of your Accelerated Adventure (AA) in Coaching. (Thus the name

All my life, I wanted to change the world, and achieve great things.
Maybe just like you... But that did not happen... Until now...
I have been perfecting my vision with several mentors I choose the coaching of, a great deal of readings I made, mainly on the internet, so to stay ahead of the curve.
I was programmed by my parents to change the world deep and I found some shortcuts in imaginary experiences I made, or life made me make, along the road.
Finally on retirement, just like you, I decided to convert the time at hand into helping others reach their goals and pass on my experience.
While applying my principles to me as well.
Now, I’m enjoying retirement, making a game out of it, a game in which intelligence is used to change things for better collective convergence, while freeing minds at the same time.
I’ve decided to pass on my experience and I’ve decided to open a coaching program to help you do what I’ve done . . . or use it, or what you like in it, to improve things on your side, on your projects, also making you able to reteach what I will teach you.

I am a new kind the Swiss Army Knife. A model you will not find at the store next road. Why ? Because :

  • I learned programming and software testing.
  • I learned physics and mathematics just a litle bit more seriously than average people.
  • My parents taught me critical thinking at a youg age.
  • I learned music theory at a young age.
  • I learned to compose music.
  • I read a lot and found a way to assemble and concatenate knowledge in a unique way, chosing my masters and tutors carefully, learning only from the bests.
  • I was born in 1954, so I had quite some time to acquire and learn skills.
  • I finally found the perfect plan to change the world.

Would you like to join?

If you choose to work with me, I’ll show you a road map that is easy to follow.

I have collected some building blocks for my freedom and my happiness. Each of these blocks, in my training, Takes the form of a winning card, with an A A Name, most of the time. like an "Accelerating Ace", the person I have helped emerge out of myself.

When you work with me, provided I can see that we are a fit for that, and that my coaching is really capable of helping you, you will experience the "progress is happiness" change. Because I will do my max to help you achieve what you want to.
If you feel like it, I will even help you find meaningful goals that will help both with the internal and the external part of life
When you work with me, you will implement a winning machine that will help finally feeling the empowerment you gain about your inner world. But not only. Because I am going to help you step by step

Step by step I’m going to show you how to:

  • Make a list of, and become conscious of some changes you may decide, and then choose to implement in your life.
  • Help you with that implementation, that kind of reprogramming, that will occur in a very progressive way, so to not hurt and make it possible to overcome possible fears.
  • You will have access to my secret weapon to help doing that.
  • You will, as me, learn about implementing a rewarding online consulting presence that will help others, based on what you have to bring to the table of knowledge share.
  • You will access to some resource map templates and make your special ones, unique so to fit and match to your personality and want.
  • You will be driven to develop a new Vision that will help you see some possible use of resources, retroactions, transformations...
  • You will climb what I call the Maslow's Scale, to contrast it to the pyramid of the same name.
  • We will make a journey in direction of the infinitely small and the infinitely big, revealing some structure and hierarchies
  • You will plan your day to plan your life.
  • You will even ask death some questions. Don't be afraid, You will provide the answers. 🙂
  • You will have a look on how you see yourself and you may ask how others see you
  • You will try to reconcile Power and Love.
  • You will try to get higher, and gain some extra power that may take the form of money, world change, inner change, getting knowledge, going progressively out of your comfort zone, if you feel enough courage to go the rewarding path.
  • You will decide what you need, organize, plan, learn and experiment.
  • You will enter the online world and implement your help to others to change, just like this program has done so with you.
  • All this summerized, you will start a new second life, a kind of restart, or reprogramming by yourself, but it will still be the same life, your life 🙂 )

These are the things we are going to work on

Now the way this is going to work is we are going to meet on a biweekly basis (2 times a month)

One week is a Q+A where you can ask me anything you want, and the next week is a lesson where I teach you the next step.

It will all be on video, so that you can SEE what you are learning and SEE how do it, quickly and easily!

In addition, I’m including your access to a private facebook group, email, and live Q&A every other week. We will call that office hours or hot seat.

Now, here’s what you’ll really dig deep on when you work with me:

Thesis and antithesis seeking truth.
Getting rid of wrong beliefs.
Sorting values.

PLUS we’ll work step by step through these topics:

How to (
make a webinar,
a sales page,
write mails,
build your online machine,
formalize your projects
organize your actions

Now, I know that’s alot, but when you work with me you must be prepared to dive deep into yourself so to let emerge and uncover ways to reach the essentials of life.

The bottom line is I am going to show you a road map that is easy to follow.

I will not tell you the story of my personal life here. Except that I wanted to become a rock star, ended doing computer programming then functional program testing, and also would have liked to become the new Einstein in Physics, but was not able to do that.

What’s this worth?

Perhaps as you are reading this, you are realizing that with the right help you CAN see retirement with new eyes.

What would that mean for you?

How would your life be different if you finally released your life’s work, if you were able to make some steps in the direction of the realization of these amazing dreams of yours, that you carried in the bag of your memory for so long ?
What would that mean for your family?
How would that feel for you?

If you are ready to become one of my clients, my guess is that it would be amazing – truly, genuinely life changing!

Now, here’s the thing. My prices are somewhat expensive. Plus, I only accept to work with people I really think I can help.
Therefore, we need to prove that there is a fit between what I have to bring to you, and also how much energy you are committed to bring, how many hours your are ready to spend in taking action, so to achieve the necessary implementations, to be able to get the results you want to achieve.

To examine this, I propose that you reach me personally by mail so that we can arrange for a telephone, skype or zoom call, in order to discuss this matter.

As I said, I am expensive, some say very expensive, but if you were to work with me 1-1 to accomplish everything we’ll do in this program, it would be about 400 hours of work . . . what you will get in return would be worth every penny!

And my guess is that if you make the decision to schedule that call, and work hard to make your retirement a success story in your own eyes, this will prove invaluable.

Jean-David Roth

P.S. Perhaps you are thinking, will this really work for ME?

And if so . . .I get it . . .

and so I’m 100% guaranteeing this for a full 30 days – if you aren’t amazed at your launch progress within the first 30 days, just ask and I’ll refund every penny –

The bottom line is this: my process WORKS and I want you to see that . . but if it doesn’t change your life and make a success out of your retirement revolution, I can’t sleep at night if I keep your money . . .

Seriously, give this a try:

here’s a review of what we are going to do together in the next few months:

Find the right balance of Planing, Learning and Implementing
Transform Learning into helping others with your unique Planning,
Planning into Implementing
Implementing into help others, change the world by facilitating their lives, create some meaning of life for yourself

Jean-David Roth